Top Tips for 2020 HSC from Katrina Mulcahy (one of Australia's top Wellbeing & Performance Coaches)

Over the last 10+ years I have been working with some of Australia’s most elite athletes and this HSC time every year is the same… incredibly stressful and challenging both for parents & the students for that final push towards the HSC completion.

Through my experiences helping these athletes achieve excellence as well as my two boys (one finished the HSC & one currently sitting) I thought I’d share some of the key pieces of advice to help minimise stress for the 2020 HSC parents & students… as this year has already been stressful enough!!


Katrina at XXI Commonwealth Games

“Her knowledge and caring persona has provided direction for my studies and career, giving me a platform on which I can launch my career on.”



It is natural for parents to worry and engage in the pressure their HSC child may be experiencing.  The key to remember is that your behaviour will impact your child.

Here are best top tips for the parents:

  1. Look after yourself too.  Go for walks, practice gratitude.  Disengage from any stress….  Stay calm, try to focus on what is in your control…. Create a calm house with healthy food choices and lots of healthy snacks are available.  Be organised and limit getting flustered / rushing to meet deadlines. 

  2. Do not overcommit yourself.  Do not entertain visitors and if possible, limit additional social/work commitments.  Be available for your child when they need a healthy snack or a person to chat to in their break or to debrief after an exam.

Evidence based research highlights that parents are still, one of the strongest influences to impact their children.  Therefore.. what you do will have a ripple effect.

Three helpful insights:

Your Modelling Behaviour – how you manage your daily life.

Be consistent with your self-motivation behaviour: Be organised with the home and other siblings. Talk positive and supportive.  Have a growth mindset towards your child’s HSC.

Your Stories – share your stories what you have done, decisions you have made, mistakes you have made and lessons you have learned.

Your Encouragement – say - I love you; You are capable; You can do this; I believe in you; I am here for you.

For further parenting advice click here


  1. Have a goal, a visual board to stay motivated and to remind yourself why you are working hard

  2. Create a balanced Study Plan and stick to it.  Your study plan should have your study goals broken into tasks. Study in periods of 2 hours and then have a good break.  Plan time for catching up with friends, exercise and small hobbies.

  3. Ensure your Study Notes are completed and you make time for revision and practice tests.

  4. Create positive mindsets regularly - practice gratitude, empathy and mindfulness.

  5. Share your daily goals and weekly goals with a buddy, so they can help you stay accountable.

  6. Drink plenty of water and have regular healthy snacks.  Don’t eat heavy meals that will make you sleepy.  Limit processed sugar.

  7. Stretch and take regular breaks for exercise, getting out of the house for fresh air.

  8. Have a good study environment - organised desk, quiet & uninterrupted area.

  9. Have early nights and stay consistent with your good behaviour.  Don’t have late nights and be tired the next day.

  10. Ask for help if you are feeling stressed.

All the best for the 2020 HSC Students!


If you would like any advice or help planning your studies, university preferences, parenting help or anything in between please get in touch.

Katrina Mulcahy